Client Services
Investment and Funding Services
Strategica arranges for capital contributions and loans to enterprises that have a comprehensive business plan for realizing value and whose potential economic risks can be reasonably assessed. We will develop a plan for capital need and assess the pro-forma impact of capital infusions. We will prepare investor proposals and arrange for legal filings and placement strategies. Strategica will become a direct investor where appropriate.
Our funding services will include debt and equity financing, equity investments, company valuation and analysis, and structuring for the acquisition, sale and financing of businesses and major assets.
Financial Services
Strategica provides a full range of financial services. These include merger and acquisition analysis, leveraged transactions, brokerage services, real estate financing and development, and banking, insurance and mortgage services.
Mergers and Acquisitions
Strategica evaluates potential acquisitions for companies or investors considering a sale or merger, leveraged buyout, divestiture or major restructuring. It will assess key issues such as economic opportunities, risk factors, funding issues, operational and organizational matters and regulatory and legal issues.
Debt Restructurings
Strategica analyzes a company's fundamental business and determines its capacity to service debt, and then develops a detailed plan for restructuring debt to appropriate levels. Strategica’s services in financial restructuring include planning and strategies for companies in impaired financial condition. We analyze the relevant alternatives, recommend a strategy and implement a selected approach. We have earned a reputation among financial professionals, attorneys and corporate executives for excellence, integrity and highly personalized service. Strategica can provide funding to pay existing debt as well as be the "new money" for the enterprise in the event of a bankruptcy proceeding.
Financial Advisory Services
Strategica’s services are used by debtors, creditors, buyers, sellers, attorneys, receivers, court appointments, accountants, institutions, bankers and other professionals. Strategica can devise sophisticated business planning and strategies involving structuring and restructuring for companies to meet their objectives. After due diligence, Strategica sets forth alternatives for its clients and recommends a strategy for implementation through completion.
Business Plans
Strategica’s services typically start with the development of a business plan consistent with our philosophy of identifying and developing the essential activities that create shareholder value.
Real Estate Analysis: Evaluations, Financing, Workouts and Sales
Strategica’s principals have extensive experience in all areas of the real estate industry. Our principals have participated in more than $10 billion of real estate financing transactions. Strategica’s diversified real estate expertise spans all areas, including serving in the capacity of master developer, financier, joint venture partner, strategic alliance, end loan facilitator, developer, condo converter, hotel converter, retail development, and raw land planner.